An Inexpensive Option for Vibrating Concrete Forms

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Submitted by Deco-Crete Supply on Wed, 11/20/2019 - 9:40am

Right now, maybe you don't have the cash to purchase a concrete vibrator but you do own a Sawzall (a reciprocating saw). Maybe you are in a pinch and don't have a concrete vibrator but the Sawzall is always in the truck. The Sawzall without a blade is a great tool to use to vibrate concrete forms. Just by removing the blade from the Sawzall you will have an inexpensive and handy vibrating tool for your concrete forms. You will press the bladeless Sawzall against the concrete forms with pressure and it will vibrate the concrete into any voids within the forms. 

By using the Sawzall on your concrete forms will allow the concrete to fill any voids leaving you with a crisp, bug hole free texture when using liners. Not only is the Sawzall faster and more effective than a hammer but it is an inexpensive option to a concrete vibrator. 

Use the Sawzall to help save some money and not add anything else to an already full truck. For more tips and tricks make sure to subscribe to Technique of the Week!



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